Friday, November 6, 2009

Unknown Music

Now, I'm not gaga for Pearleden at all I warn you, but this video was made by a fellow deviant and is really good. I was delighted by the music, but neither me nor my fellow deviant really know what it is called. If you know what it is, please report to me because I want the music for my ipod. Thank you!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is very disturbing.
This is cruel and black hearted, and I don't care what those heathens say...
This happens every day in the real world, as innocent mice are chopped up every day to be fed to cruel people's snakes (the snakes are just doing their thing it's the people). Some even purchase live mice to watch the kill, simply because it is amusing to see blood.
I am currently watching Lord of the Flies on my computer, which seems to be very similar. Remember the blood lust and the butchering of the sow?!
I'm even going as Jack Merridew for Halloween!
Viewer discretion is advised.

Friday, October 23, 2009